Map showing Rothera research station, Alexander Island and Palmer Land. Note George VI Ice Shelf.
Our November 2012 field season to Alexander Island (Ablation Point Massif and Fossil Bluff) operated out of Rothera, a research station of the British Antarctic Survey. We flew to Rothera from Punta Arenas airport in a Dash-7 aircraft, and were quickly inducted.
You can explore Rothera Research Station through the Google Map below.
Rothera base station, Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula
A twin otter approaches Rothera
The view of the Antarctic Peninsula from the Dash-7 on our flight in
The view of the Antarctic Peninsula from the Dash-7 on our flight in
A twin otter plane lands on the Rothera runway
Walking Around The Point at Rothera, with the base in the background
Fieldwork training
Our first task was to complete the mandatory training for deep fieldwork. This involved spending a night camping out at Vals as well as walking Reptile Ridge with our field assistant, Ian Hey. This meant that we could practise using crampons and ice axes, get to know each other, and Ian could assess our fitness and abilities.
Ian Hey and Mike Hambrey about to ascend Reptile Ridge
Climbing Reptile Ridge, Alexander Island. Photo Credit: Bethan Davies.
Reptile Ridge
Ian Hey leads the way, kicking in steps in the snow
Footprints in the snow
Ian Hey
Rothera sits just behnd Reptile Ridge
Wildlife at Rothera
When we arrived at Rothera it was still ice-bound with no wildlife. However, when we returned in mid-December, the sea ice had blown away and the seals and penguins had returned. You can see them in this video showcasing some of the wildlife around Rothera:
Blue eyed shags
Seal, iceberg, Antarctica.
Big skies Around the Point
Big skies behind the Comms Tower
Out on the boat trip
Tamsin leads the way
Elephant seals fighting
And again
And again…
This one looks a little deflated
Sizing each other up
Posture is everything
Hello! An Adelie penguin
Elephant seals
Just checking you out
Working at Rothera
Many people conduct science and research from Rothera research station. There is a long-term environmental monitoring and research project, investigating marine ecology around Rothera Point. In December, the divers were out in full force.
Paul putting on his neoprene hood
Phil assists Bel
Bel with her underwater camera
Going down
The topside team (including Bethan in the yellow drysuit, left). Photo credit: Belinda Vause
Benthic communities at the West of Rose Garden site, with a nudibrach (sea slug). Photo credit: Belinda Vause
The underwater world has a surprisingly diverse assemblage. Starfish at the West of Rose Garden dive site. Photo credit: Belinda Vause
A Ctenophore, similar to a jelly fish, swims in the cold water. It lights up with flashing lights down its side. Photo credit: Belinda Vause
Recreation at Rothera
Rest and recreation on your days off at Rothera includes skiing, walking, or persuading a field assistant to take you down a crevasse.
Roger the Field Assistant guides a novice through the art of abseiling
Adam the Pilot
Bethan descends down into the dark
The fixed line and narrow passageway
Safety equipment from last year is well frozen in!
Blue light filters through the snow bridge (don’t step on it!)
Adam the pilot amonst the icicles
Cheese is belaying people down into the deeper chamber
It’s a tight squeeze!
Navigating the chambers, following the fixed line
Descending into the depths of the crevasse
The main channel and fixed line. Note the flat floor, made of re-frozen water ice.
The main passageway with icicles
Huge icicles grow down from the ceiling
Brilliant icicles
Some of the icicles rotate as the ice around them deforms
You’re not serious.
Adam the Pilot
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1 thought on “Rothera Research Station”
Sam Oliver Rothera
Hello my name is Sam Oliver Rothera,I was researching the origins of my family and name when I came across the Rothera research station. Now as a nature lover always have admired not only nature but science also although I would be lying if I said I had studied science ever, but all the same this is one of the most inspiring things you my distant relatives(founders of the Rothera research station)have done. So I Sam was born in Alnwick north east of England (near the Scotish border)am the son of Peter Rothera who was born in Vichy(France) and his father was Brian Rothera who sadly past away in America in 2016.
Anyhow I was wondering what would be the chances of visiting the research station and maybe having some kind of tour of the place not forgetting the Rothera mountain or dormant volcano be it. I would pay for all my travel exspences and accommodation too and would don’t forget be polite and make myself scarce.
P.S.i have seen that you may not receive my Email address so here it is embeded in the post thankyou
Yours sincerely Sam Oliver Rothera
Hello my name is Sam Oliver Rothera,I was researching the origins of my family and name when I came across the Rothera research station. Now as a nature lover always have admired not only nature but science also although I would be lying if I said I had studied science ever, but all the same this is one of the most inspiring things you my distant relatives(founders of the Rothera research station)have done. So I Sam was born in Alnwick north east of England (near the Scotish border)am the son of Peter Rothera who was born in Vichy(France) and his father was Brian Rothera who sadly past away in America in 2016.
Anyhow I was wondering what would be the chances of visiting the research station and maybe having some kind of tour of the place not forgetting the Rothera mountain or dormant volcano be it. I would pay for all my travel exspences and accommodation too and would don’t forget be polite and make myself scarce.
P.S.i have seen that you may not receive my Email address so here it is embeded in the post thankyou
Yours sincerely Sam Oliver Rothera